About Centum Controls

Electrical & Automation Solution

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About Centum Controls

Centum Controls was founded in Chennai in 2014. The name stands for the 100% commitment and value we stand to deliver as a world class experience across all customer touchpoints. The company is the brainchild of a visionary team of Engineers with extensive experience in Instrumentation and Process Control engineering.

We help industries simplify and automate their internal manufacturing processes thereby improving operational efficiency, waste reduction and elimination, and cost control.


“Make the world more productive
through sustainable Electrical and
Automation Solutions”


“We shall provide fulfilling technical
solutions to our customers thereby
achieve Profitable Growth and become
one among the TOP 10 Electrical and
Automation Solution Provider from
India by consistently enhancing the
value creation and convenience to
all our stake holders by 2030”


“Customer Focus – Deliver what is committed and beyond
Business Focus – Value Creation and Purpose driven.
People Focus – Employee well-being and work life balance”

Centum Controls

Why Centum?

Superior Quality

  • 100 Plus Quality Check points.
  • Branded Components.
  • ISO 9001-2005

On-Time Delivery

  • Technology enabled Project management.
  • Periodic delivery updates.

No Variation-Cost

  • Experienced estimation.
  • Stable SCM.
  • Standardized Components usage.

Life-Cycle Support

  • Concept to De-commissioning support assurance.
  • 24×7 Support.
Centum Controls

Associate Partners

Our Associate Partners range from reputed multinational conglomerates to economic Start ups
The diverse stakeholders are testament to the versatility and quality that Centum Controls stands for

Centum Controls

Leadership Team

The Centum Controls Core Team is a dynamic mix of engineers and businessfolk that checks all the points for success. This close-knit team with diverse industry backgrounds, can bring just about anything to fruition when it comes to Process systems, with a unified focus on Stakeholder satisfaction.



Founder of Centum Controls with 22 years
of experience in Automation
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Raghavan Balasubramaniyan


Founder of Centum Controls with 17 years
experience in Instrumentation

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P Ramasamy

At the outset we would like to convey our happiness for the excellent work done. We are very happy with the quality of service

A Thiilairajan

Very happy to say that Entech Consultancy has been in close association with Centum Controls for more than 5 years now We are highly

S Muthuswamy

We at Scigenics have been associated with Centum Controls over many years for their Instrumentation and Automation Portfolios

L Stephen Miller

We would like to thank M/s. Centum controls and the entire team for providing timely support. This has been greatly helping us to complete

What Our Clients Say

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Now you can hear it from our clients how a partnership with Centum Controls accelerates growth on all aspects. A kind word goes a long way and our clients have nothing but the most glowing compliments for us, driving us to do better every day.

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Founder of Centum Controls with 22 years
of experience in Automation

An Executive Business Management Graduate from IIT Madras, he has been Instrumental in developing the business from grass root level. A passionate and dependable solution architect in the Automation and Industrial Process Control domain, he believes in enhancing customer value through learning and solving customer problems. His varied leadership experience from top industrial brands like Metler Toledo, Invensys and Honeywell has significantly helped Centum Controls to shape its specific identity in the Industrial Automation Domain.

He is responsible for overall working of the Company and is instrumental in making strategic decisions for equitable growth to all Stakeholders.


Raghavan Balasubramaniyan


Founder of Centum Controls with 17 years
experience in Instrumentation

An Instrumentation professional from Annamalai University. With client centric approach , good personnel connect and experience in Instrumentation domain, Raghavan has held several positions such as key sales personnel in Masibus, Yokogawa and Honeywell. His experience in sales and instrumentation industry has been a value-add in helping Centum Controls build internal business processes with integrity.

Currently Raghavan is in charge of overall marketing and sales operations of the firm.



    Reach out to Centum Controls Experts to lay and cost control.
